Bolded ones are heavy triggers and discomforts! Don’t do or talk about any of these without permission.

Triggers!! - Loud noises, people arguing, fireworks, abuse, lectures, talking about weight/height, Eating disorders, suicide, crowds, self harm, religious and political talk.
Discomforts!! - Feet, Mentions of pee/piss, Irl Gore, Images or Mentions of scraped skin, visible veins, needles, doubles.

DON’T!! - Please don’t talk/ask about my family/mental issues. Don’t remind me about the time where I almost died. Don’t make fun of my s/h scars or me cutting. Don’t call me emo, like ever.

DO!! - Ask me permission to talk about personal things. Call me pretty, handsome, etc. Ask me about my boundaries.

THIN ICE!! - Under 13, Eimiko stans, Neurotypicals, Cishets, white people


The ones that are bolded are the ones I like/identify as the most, these are not all of them!!

XENOGENDERS!! - Catgender, Multicatgender, Blackcatgender, Vampcatgender, Gothcattic, Moongender, Noctofloric, Starboy, Comfinoctic, Cozyblankic, Traumatiedcatgender.
NEOS!! - Mew/mews, Cat/cats, Rain/rains, Moon/Moons, Void/voids, Star/stars, Sleep/sleeps, Blanket/blankets, Zzz/Zzzself.

DON’T!! - Please don’t make fun of me for any of these. Don’t call me a “furry”, ever. Don’t call me weird, abnormal, strange, etc.

DO!! - Ask me what neos and xenogenders I use. Please use my neos. Ask me the meaning of my xenogenders. Ask me to educate you on Neos and Xenogenders!!

EXTRA!! - I have a lot of xenos and neos but these are just the ones I use the most. Look at my pronoun page for the whole list!!